- Kid's Dog: A Training Book by Richard A. Wolters
- Mongrel Mettle by Jesse Stuart (1944) Good condition
The Good Looking Australian by Connie Redhead (1979) Good condition
- Champion of Champions 1st Edition by Don Reynolds (1950) Excellent condition
- The Dog Book by Albert Payson Terhune & Diana Thorne (1932) Good condition
- The Boykin Spaniel by Mike Creel & Lynn Kelley (2009) Excellent condition
- Mastering Variable Surface Tracking by Ed Presnall (2004) Excellent condition
- How to Speak Dog by Lucine Hansz Flynn (1986) Excellent condition
- The American Kennel and Sporting Field (Enlarged Edition) by Arnold Burges (2002) Excellent condition
- Paw Marks by W.J. Hickmott, Jr. (1932) Excellent condition; Signed by author to Tom Sately
- Our Friends the Old English and Shetland Sheepdogs by Rowland Johns (1935) Excellent condition; Signed by the printer/publisher with inscription
- Peter by Arthur Sherburne Hardy (1920) Excellent condition
- The Westminster Kennel Club 100th Anniversary Book (1976) Excellent condition
- The Pug by Susan Graham Weall (1973) Fair condition; Dust jacket cracked
- My Dog by Maurice Maeterlink (1913) Excellent